Name: Ed Gauthier
Location: California, United States

Welcome to the Toon Pro dot com.
My name is Gauthier. I'm a comics cop.
I bust the hustlers and rip-off bums, while defending the good guys.
Since I already have a couple of more traditional sites on which to toot my own horn
(Mr. Ed Weirdo and the Edmond Gauthier poetry archive),
this one is reserved for investigating everyone else's cartoon-related cases.
I doodle but I don't doddle. I engage in just the facts. The names have not been changed to protect the guilty.
They call me the Toon Pro!

Saturday March 15, 2025

Thursday, July 27, 2006


(WOTW: Printed version by Dark Horse released April 19, 2006.)

(WOTW: Movie version by pendragon Pictures released June 7, 2005.)

Looks like more than just an imaginary War Of The Worlds between a certain dragon and a certain horse.

Pendragon Pictures has given formal legal notice to the principals of Dark Horse Comics alleging innumerable replications of images from Pendragon's period accurate movie version of THE WAR OF THE WORLDS.

Pendragon's movie, H.G. WELLS' THE WAR OF THE WORLDS, was released in the U.S., Canada and most countries internationally June 7, 2005 and has grossed over two million dollars in sales from U.S. retail stores alone.

The complaint accuses Dark Horse, the third-largest comic book publisher in the U.S. and recognized world-leading publisher of licensed comics material, of directly replicating hundreds of images from the Pendragon movie.

Both productions are based on the public domain 1898 H. G. Wells novel, but Pendragon alleges that Dark Horse has played foul in replicating camera angles, designs, character likenesses and a myriad of artistic choices for their comic.

Pendragon C.E.O. and Director of H.G. WELLS' THE WAR OF THE WORLDS, Timothy Hines states, "Most of Dark Horse's revenue comes from comics that are based on licensed movies, including BUFFY THE VAMPIRE SLAYER, SHREK, STAR WARS and ALIEN. These guys are experts at converting film frames into comic books. I was astounded at the degree of similarity between our production and their comic book which came out a year after our movie was disseminated worldwide.

"We believe its just theft of our artist's hard work -- plain and simple, and we won't let this stand. I invite the public to come, showing dozens of frames of identical or of striking similarity between Dark Horse's comic and our WAR OF THE WORLDS and decide for themselves."

Pendragon Producer Susan Goforth adds, "We've set up a way for people to vote as to whether or not they see what many who have brought this to our attention see. If Dark Horse wanted to use our images they simply could have licensed our movie. It was hard enough going up against Spielberg and Tom Cruise. It's no surprise that our movie was savaged by the friends and allies of our competitors.

"Our own distributor was intimidated into not releasing the director's cut of our film, which is actually the final cut, for fear of retaliation from Paramount, so we are just now releasing it ourselves online. Why a giant like Dark Horse would copy us without license is beyond me."

Dark Horse just promoted its comic book version of WAR OF THE WORLDS at Comic-Con San Diego, which ran July 20-23. Comic-Con is the largest comic book convention in the U.S., and was attended by all the major movie studios and comic book publishers. Pendragon Pictures is selling its true to the book movie version of H. G. WELLS' THE WAR OF THE WORLDS online.

ABOUT PENDRAGON PICTURES: Pendragon Pictures is an independent motion picture and distribution company who's primary product is a movie adaptation of H.G. WELLS' THE WAR OF THE WORLDS. Unlike the updated and reset Spielberg/Cruise version of a similar title, Pendragon's WORLDS is a dead-on to the book accurate adaptation.

Through retail outlets in Canada, U.S., Japan and Australia, and from internet sales, Pendragon's H.G. WELLS' THE WAR OF THE WORLDS has grossed several million dollars.